Sometimes You Just Need to Take Time Away from Being Witnessed
'Sometimes you just need to take time away from being witnessed'
I recently saw a post highlighting this point and it resonated with me so much especially with how I've been navigating myself and where the vibrations of the Universal Year 7 seem to be in full effect (read my January Blog Journal to get what I mean by 'Universal Year 7') this statement is totally relevant.
Since we began 2023, I bravely snuck away and had been silently working on my creative passion. The period gave me lots of time to focus on areas that had needed my attention (the website being one for example, which is what you’re currently experiencing!). It had been an intense period and whilst I’d been less exposed online, I have gained much in return.
I had intended on journaling more of what was happening behind the scenes however it didn't worked out that way and I'm ok with that. I remind myself 'There are lots of exciting things happening everywhere, always'.
So, in short this journal is really to encourage, motivate and emphasise the beauty that's found in your rhythm when dancing to the beat of your own drum.
Embrace it and enjoy,
All the Love & Beauty of the Cosmos,
Kasi x