Welcome to 2023 - Universal Year 7
Numerology - What is a Universal Year?
From the title of this blog you may be wondering, Numerology? Universal Year? What does, all this mean?
Lets momentarily take a step back for a basic definition of what Numerology is before going in to the Universal Year.
Numerology is an Art and Science involving the study of numbers and their meanings. Numerology is practiced by calculating the numerical value of letters, words, names, dates and then reducing the value to a single digit or Master number. This art/science has been practiced by many civilisations for thousands of years.
As within crystal healing, where crystals carry vibrations and in astrology, where planets and Star Signs carry vibrations, numbers carry vibrations too; and just as our names and date of birth have their own numerology, so does the Calendar Year.
In numerology, the Calendar Year is called Universal Year. The calendar year is calculated and reduced to a single digit number to become a Universal Year. For the Calendar Year 2023 in numerology it is Universal Year 7. The numerical value of this digit holds the general energy and theme of the Universal Year. As a collective, all humanity feel the effects of the particular number for that Universal Year.
How do we figure out what the Universal Year number is?
We know that 2023 is Universal Year 7 so how do we figure out what the actual Universal Year number is?
It's pretty straightforward, honestly, all you to do is calculate the Year. Take each digit of the calendar year (example will be based on the Gregorian calendar) and add the numbers up, like this...
2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7
As you see from the calculation we reached the number seven, so the Universal Year number for the Calendar Year 2023 is number 7.
Why not have a go at the calculation for yourself, see what Universal Year you come up with for the calendar years 2022 and 2024. I'd love for you to share your results in the comment section, which you'll find located at the bottom of this Page.
The Vibrational Energy of Number 7
Seven is a powerful number with numerous significant references. Seven connects us to deep knowledge, wisdom, soul searching, spirituality, abundance, awareness, intuition, trust, introspection, deep secrets and hidden truths.
Seven is associated with many symbolic meanings such as Seven Days of the week, Seven Heavenly Bodies, Saturn the planet, Seven Deadly Sins, 7 colours of the rainbow, 7 Chakras, Seven Sisters, Seven Wonders of the World, Seven Metals of Antiquity, Lucky number 7, Seven Hermitic Principles, Seventh Heaven, Seven Kwanzaa Symbols the list goes on...
There is also a whole host of Crystals associated to number 7, for example, Amethyst, Botswana agate, Moss agate, Iolite, Golden Labradorite, Rose Quartz, Peridot, Picture Jasper, Charoite and Blue Lace Agate.
Click on an image to view the product.
Moss Agate Wire Wrapped Pendant - Amethyst Loc Jewel - Botswana Agate Cosmic Medallion Pendant Necklace
What to expect during Universal Year 7
Image of the calf named Baby Ben, born with Lucky 7 on his head.
During a Universal Year 7, more of us will seek inner truth, personal growth and self discovery. We will take time to look within and connect with inner wisdom.
Universal Year 7 can bring about solitude and isolation as people may want to retreat within and focus on their own world. With this in mind, it will be important to strike a healthy balance between solitude and connecting with others during a 7 Universal Year.
While we journey through the Universal Year 7, contemplating and analysing our lives, we will be guided to look truthfully and honestly at the areas which need improvement; remember be kind and compassionate with yourself whilst on this journey.
Witnessing the phenomena on this Planet.
Sciences, technology, spiritual discovery, abundance, the manifestation of dreams to reality are among the general energies for Universal Year 7. We can expect these vibrational energies to have major influences upon humanity and the world around us.
Trusting your inner guidance and following your intuition are divinely guided steps towards making Universal Year 7 a rewarding time of personal transformation and growth.
As we journey through the unique energies of Universal Year 7, bringing forth more enlightenment and more peace we become better versions of ourselves and deepen our experience.
We are partaking in a miraculous phenomena where human souls are elevating consciousness and upgrading the universe for greater good, it is our responsibility to find purpose through the things we are most passionate about.